Android Unity Game Development Blog: Drawing Polygons!
I want to draw a hexagon shape on top of an existing hexagon mesh and have that shape flash.
Simple huh?
So here I talked about how to drawing outlines around our hexagons. We’re going to take a similar approach. But this time, we’re going to draw the triangles as a mesh, instead of just the outlines (so all the green triangles below):
Here’s the code that takes a single hexagon GameObject, finds the vertices with the highest y value, copies them, and creates a new polygon with those values:
private void CreatePoly(GameObject hexTile, GameObject renderer)
//Grab mesh filter's shared vertices of the hexagon
MeshFilter hexMesh = hexTile.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
Vector3[] vertices = hexMesh.sharedMesh.vertices; //Order the hexagon's vertices by y coord.
//Take the first 10
//Get the distinct vertices
//Set the height
//Convert to array
Vector3[] distinctVertices = vertices.OrderBy(v => v.y)
.Select(v => new Vector3(v.x, Height, v.z))
.ToArray(); //Instantiate our new selection object
//(it just has a MeshRenderer attached to it
GameObject selection = Instantiate(renderer, transform); //Add a new mesh filter to our selection object
MeshFilter filter = selection.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); //Create a new mesh with our vertices hexagon triangles
Mesh mesh = new Mesh
vertices = distinctVertices,
triangles = HexagonTriIndices
}; //Recaclulate norms
mesh.RecalculateNormals(); //Set our new mesh
filter.mesh = mesh; //Position the new selection object
selection.transform.position = hexTile.transform.position;}
And here’s the whole class file (sorry about formatting, Medium doesn’t handle it well):
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;public class HexagonSelection : MonoBehaviour
//The height of the polygon
public float Height;
//The player
public PlayerAvatar PlayerAvatar;
//The selection prefab (colour of the selection)
public GameObject TileSelectionPrefab;//the hexagon's parent tag
public string HexagonsTag;//Store the selected tilee (avoid duplicates)
private readonly List<GameObject> selectedTiles = new List<GameObject>();//Min vertices to create a hexagon
private static readonly int minVertices = 10;//The search directions
private static readonly Vector3[] tileDirections
= new Vector3[] { Vector3.left,
Vector3.right + Vector3.forward,
Vector3.back + Vector3.left,
Vector3.back - Vector3.left,
Vector3.right - Vector3.forward,
//The triangle indices for our hexagon shape
private static readonly int[] HexagonTriIndices = new int[12]
};private void Awake()
//When the player clicks the player avatar, highlight the selected tile
PlayerAvatar.OnPlayerSelected += (player) =>
}private void HighlightOccupiedTile(Vector3 position)
{Ray ray = new Ray(position, Vector3.down);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit))
Transform hitTransform = hit.transform;
GameObject hexTile = hitTransform.gameObject;
CreatePoly(hexTile, TileSelectionPrefab);
CreatingSurroundingPolys(hexTile, TileSelectionPrefab);
}private void CreatePoly(GameObject hexTile, GameObject renderer)
//Grab mesh filter's shared vertices of the underlying hexagon
MeshFilter hexMesh = hexTile.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
Vector3[] vertices = hexMesh.sharedMesh.vertices;
//Order the hexagon's vertices by y coord.
//Take the first 10
//Get the distinct vertices
//Set the height
//Convert to array
Vector3[] distinctVertices = vertices.OrderBy(v => v.y)
.Select(v => new Vector3(v.x, Height, v.z))
.ToArray();//Instantiate our new selection object
GameObject selection = Instantiate(renderer, transform);
//Add a new mesh filter to our selection object
MeshFilter meshFilter = selection.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
//Create a new mesh with our vertices and standard hexagon triangles
Mesh mesh = new Mesh
vertices = distinctVertices,
triangles = HexagonTriIndices
//Recaclulate norms
//Set our new mesh
meshFilter.mesh = mesh;
//Position the new selection object
selection.transform.position = hexTile.transform.position;}private void CreatingSurroundingPolys(GameObject hexTile, GameObject prefab)
//Get the center of the tile
Vector3 center = hexTile.GetComponent<Renderer>();
//For each direction
foreach (Vector3 direction in tileDirections)
//Create a ray in the direction
Ray ray = new Ray(center, direction);
//Find a tile in the current direction
GameObject selectedTile = HighlightSurroundingTile(ray, prefab);
if (selectedTile != null)
//If we found one, add it to our selected tiles
}}private GameObject HighlightSurroundingTile(Ray ray, GameObject prefab)
//Cast the ray
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit, Mathf.Infinity))
//we got a hit
Transform hitTransform = hit.transform;
//Make sure it's a hexagon
if (hitTransform.parent.CompareTag(HexagonsTag))
GameObject hexTile = hitTransform.gameObject;
if (!selectedTiles.Contains(hexTile))
CreatePoly(hexTile, prefab);
return hexTile;
return null;
return null;